CoC Updates

Charlotte-Mecklenburg’s Coordinated Entry System
Blog, CoC, Frontpage ArticleFrom July 2023 – September 2023, 1637, people (including children) had a Coordinated Entry Housing Needs assessment via a local Coordinated Entry System access point. Coordinated Entry Systems (CESs) are designed to streamline access to services and housing resources, reduce homelessness, and ensure that resources are allocated fairly based on need. The local CES is a collaborative effort between local government agencies, non-profit organizations, and community partners dedicated to addressing homelessness in a coordinated and efficient manner.
This blog provides an overview of Coordinated Entry, what it is and is not, and how persons in need can access the local coordinated entry system.

HUD System Performance Measures: Number of Homeless Persons
Blog, CoC, Frontpage Article, ImagesThe McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act requires Continuums of Care (CoCs) to assess their collective efforts to address homelessness. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has created seven System Performance Measures for this purpose. Annually, Charlotte-Mecklenburg is required to report its performance on six of these measures to HUD. These measures are important for securing CoC funding and serve as tools for local monitoring and system improvement. This is the third post in a series of blogs that examines Charlotte-Mecklenburg's performance on these measures and the implications for the local community.
This blog provides an overview of and presents data on System Performance Measure Three: Number of Homeless Persons.

Empowering Change: The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Youth Action Board's Journey to End Youth Homelessness
Blog, CoC, Frontpage Article, ImagesThe Charlotte-Mecklenburg Youth Action Board (YAB) is a collective of individuals aged 18 to 24 who have experienced homelessness. Together, they collaborate to engage in discussions and develop strategies aimed at ending youth homelessness in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area.
This blog post will provide an introduction to Homeless Youth Action Boards and spotlight the work of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Youth Action Board.

Planning for System-Wide Landlord Engagement
Blog, CoC, ImagesBeginning in August 2022, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Continuum of Care (CoC) engaged with Erica Snyder Consulting to conduct a community assessment to identify current system-wide landlord engagement practices and to facilitate a community-engaged planning process . The goals of this effort were two-fold: increase access to available rental units and develop a strategy for targeted landlord recruitment and retention. The assessment and planning process involved meeting with homeless services housing providers and partners currently engaging with landlords to determine strengths and areas for growth in the existing system. Initial findings were presented at a community meeting led by the CoC Landlord Engagement Workgroup. In December 2022, CoC partners came together for two half-day sessions to discuss creating a CoC-wide vision for a landlord engagement system. This blog provides an overview of the community assessment and planning process and outlines recommendations for improved system-wide landlord engagement.

A Home For All: Implementation Plan Overview
Blog, CoC, Frontpage ArticleThis month, United Way of Greater Charlotte (United Way) released the A Home For All Implementation Plan. Building on the priorities identified in the Strategic Framework, the Implementation Plan outlines which priorities to advance first in order to address housing instability and homelessness across the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area.
This Plan represents the culmination of months of rigorous planning, research, and community-wide collaboration. Over the last year, meticulous work has facilitated narrowing down the 99 initial priorities put forth in the A Home For All Strategic Framework to create this Implementation Plan. The plan outlines nine initiatives to move forward over the next four years. United Way, with support from Mecklenburg County, serves as the Enduring Structure leading this work.
To read the A Home For All Implementation Plan, click here.
This blog post will provide an overview of the Plan as well as key takeaways.

HUD System Performance Measures: Evaluating Progress in Ending Homelessness
Blog, CoC, Frontpage ArticleThe McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act mandates that Continuums of Care (CoCs) evaluate their performance as a coordinated system to assess their system’s collective work towards preventing and ending homelessness. To that end, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has developed seven System Performance Measures. Charlotte-Mecklenburg is required to report performance on six of these measures to HUD annually. The measures are not only a part of the selection criteria for CoC funding awards but can and should be used locally to monitor progress and drive system improvement. Over the next several months, the Building Bridges Blog will examine local performance on each System Performance Measure and explore what these measures and local performance mean for Charlotte-Mecklenburg.
This blog provides an overview of the HUD System Performance Measures and presents information and data on System Performance Measure One.

Unsheltered NOFO
CoCOn June 22, 2022, HUD released a special NOFO (Notice of Funding Opportunity) to specifically address the unsheltered homelessness crisis across the country. Charlotte-Mecklenburg is eligible to apply for up to $5.7MIL through this opportunity.

Meet the newest CoC Governing Board Member
CoCThe Charlotte-Mecklenburg Continuum of Care (CoC) announces a new member to its CoC Governing Board. Kim Ciepcielinski will serve in the Prevention Provider Elected Seat. We are excited to have Kim on the Board and look forward to her knowledge and expertise. Please see below more information about this new Governing Board member.
Read Previous CoC Updates
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