On June 22, 2022, HUD released a special NOFO (Notice of Funding Opportunity) to specifically address the unsheltered homelessness crisis across the country. Charlotte-Mecklenburg is eligible to apply for up to $5.7MIL through this opportunity.
One key piece of the application is that communities need to submit their “plan for serving individuals & families experiencing homelessness with severe service needs.” The requirements of this plan can be found here starting on the bottom of p. 45 of 66 in the NOFO (p. 46 of the PDF) and goes until p. 53 of 66 in the document (p. 54 of the PDF). The CoC Board will use this plan to determine where funding should be directed.
The CoC’s Unsheltered Homelessness Workgroup will lead the development of the plan. We would like to convene stakeholders over the next 3 weeks to work on it with the goal of having the Board adopt it & identify the funding priorities at the July 28 Board meeting. After that, the CoC will be able to open the project application period for agencies. The group will utilize existing plans (CoC Board Strategic Plan & A Home for All) to develop strategies.
If you are interested in helping to develop this plan, please plant to attend one or all of the following meetings that will be offered both in person at the Mecklenburg County CSS Office (3205 Freedom Drive, Entrance D, Suite 2000) and on Zoom. The topics for each week are listed below—please let me know if you have questions about where your agency fits.
- Thursday, July 7: 2pm-4pm: CoC Strategy to Identify, Shelter & House Individuals & Families Experiencing Unsheltered Homelessness
- Tuesday, July 12: 2pm-4pm: Leveraging Housing Resources & CoC Landlord Engagement Strategy
- Wednesday, July 20: 2pm-4pm: Leveraging Healthcare Resources
The Zoom link will be the same for each meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9391307806?pwd=QndHL3BhaFdYM0hGcW1GV21sRmRBUT09
Thank you for your participation in this exciting opportunity for our community to identify creative ways to reduce the number of our neighbors experiencing unsheltered homelessness.
If you have questions about this funding opportunity, please contact: [email protected].
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Erin Nixon serves as Continuum of Care (CoC) Support Staff.