Exits To Permanent Housing
This measure provides the number of people who exit successfully to permanent housing across the federal fiscal year. Exits to permanent housing include exits to market-rate and subsidized rental units and staying permanently with family and/or friends. The first part of the measure looks at combined exits to permanent housing from emergency shelter (ES), transitional housing (TH), safe haven (SH), and rapid re-housing (RRH). The second measure looks at retention of existing permanent supportive housing (PSH) as well as exits to new permanent housing (PH) from permanent supportive housing. The last measure looks at exits to temporary or permanent housing from street outreach. Temporary housing includes emergency shelter, hotel and/or motel, treatment facilities, and temporary shelter with family and/or friends. Street outreach is designed to improve housing conditions for people living on the street or in a place not meant for human habitation; therefore, any change in housing situation (whether temporary or permanent) is considered a
positive exit.
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