Reintroducing the Building Bridges Blog
Mary Ann Priester
Senior Management Analyst
Mecklenburg County Community Support Services
Housing Innovation & Stabilization Services Division
Welcome back to the Building Bridges blog! During the past few months amidst submitting the 2022 HUD System Performance Measures, publishing the 2022 State of Housing Instability & Homelessness Report, and conducting the 2023 Point-In-Count, we have spent time reevaluating how this blog can best serve the community. The mission of the blog remains the same: highlight the important work being done in Charlotte-Mecklenburg in relation to housing instability, homelessness, and affordable housing; and connect local, regional, and national data, research, policy, and practice so that all stakeholders in the community can use it to drive advocacy, policymaking, funding allocation, and programmatic change.
This blog outlines what to expect in the coming months and how you can help inform future blog content.
There will be some upcoming changes to the blog content and format. It may look and feel a little bit different. The blog will continue to highlight data and trends on community efforts around homelessness and housing instability, local data analysis, and information about Housing and Homelessness Dashboard updates. We will also begin to highlight promising practices, community initiatives, and system-focused community updates; provide curated and synthesized local, regional, and national research on homelessness and housing instability; and feature guest posts from subject matter experts.
To ensure blog content is community-informed and aligns with local need, we want to hear from you.
- What are your ideas about what should be featured in the blog?
- What topics related to housing instability, homelessness, and affordable housing do you want to learn more about?
- What questions would you like to see this blog examine?
Please submit your questions, ideas, and suggestions HERE .
As always, the Building Bridges blog welcomes guest contributors. If you are interested in authoring and/or contributing to a future Building Bridges blog post, please email Mary Ann Priester at [email protected] .
Thank you for your interest in this important work.