HMIS Training
Click the videos below to access the HMIS training videos.
Equity Webinars
One of the most significant changes to the 2022 Data Standards was the change in responses and logic to the Gender Identity question. Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness partnered with the Ruth Ellis Center from Highland Park (in Detroit). The Ruth Ellis Center has experience working with the LGBTQ+ youth and young adults with an emphasis on young people of color, experiencing homelessness, involved in the child welfare system, and/or experiencing barriers to health and wellbeing. The material covered in these trainings includes critical information that will help case managers with conducting client centered interviews that will answer the new questions around gender in HMIS.
Click the videos to the right to access the HMIS training videos. After you finish the video, click the link to complete the form and finish training.
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Webinar
This webinar was held on July 26, 2021. This training was designed to help understand the nuances around Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity discussions and client engagement.
Understanding the Equal Access Rule Webinar
This webinar was held on August 16, 2021. The Equal Access Rule ensures that all individuals – regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity-have equal access to the Department’s Office of Community Planning and Development programs, shelters, other buildings and facilities, benefits, services, and accommodations.
Bitfocus Project Type Specific Workflow Training Videos
Bitfocus Street Outreach Tool Demo
This Outreach Tool demo was presented on July 6, 2023. This demo showed the current capabilities of Clarity Human Services Outreach Tool.
This MeckHOME/ A Way Home workflow demo was presented on August 10, 2023. This demo shows the BitFocus workflow for MeckHOME/ A Way Home funded projects.