Check out the 2024 Charlotte-Mecklenburg State of Housing Instability & Homelessness (SoHIH) report, which provides a single, dedicated synthesis of all the latest data on housing instability and homelessness pertaining to Charlotte-Mecklenburg. This resource can be used by any and all stakeholders working to address housing instability and homelessness. The annual report combines local, regional, and national data on the full housing continuum. The 2024 SOHIH provides updated data on standard community metrics related to housing and homelessness (cost-burden and evictions; Point-in-Time Count (PIT); housing inventory and rental gaps; Housing Trust Fund; System Performance, Metrics, etc.). New data this year includes information on substandard housing and survey data from the first ever Detention Center Point-in-Time Count. The report also provides expanded information on local efforts, governmental financial investments in housing and homelessness, and emergent promising practices related to housing instability, homelessness, and stable housing.


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See data and trends on community efforts around housing instability and homelessness

Data Snapshot

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Engage data through posts that weave together numbers, narrative and leave you with a “so, what”


Access local, regional and national research on housing instability and homelessness


Check out the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Housing & Homelessness Ecosystem of community organizations. The Ecosystem provides standardized definitions; identifies roles and responsibilities across the continuum; quantifies housing capacities; and outlines funding sources.